Cybersecurity Tools

If your business operates online, then your business/company should seriously address cybersecurity issues. The Small Business Administration (SBA) dedicates a page describing and linking to "Top Tools and Resources for Small Business Owners". The page features links to fact sheets, webinars, online courses, and other federal agency resources. One such resource derives from the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) that provides and generates, through an interactive web site, a Small Biz Cyber Planner that a company may use to "create and save a custom cyber security plan for your company, choosing from a menu of expert advice to address your specific business needs and concerns." There is also a link to the Department of Homeland Security's Cyber Resilience Review (CRR), "...a no-cost, voluntary, non-technical assessment to evaluate an organization’s operational resilience and cybersecurity practices." The CRR page contains a number of downloadable forms and resource guides. An additional SBA webpage contains their "Social Media Cyber-Vandalism Toolkit", which
...provides guidance and security practices to small businesses using these tools in their online operations. Suggestions and resources prepare users to respond to cyber-hijacking, and will empower digital users to make informed choices and enact future policy.

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