Looking for US Schedule B Number or US Harmonized Tariff Code?
When exporting items US businesses use either a Schedule B Number or US Harmonized Tariff Code. Your business may search the US Census Department's site for a Schedule B Number. That site has a browse feature to view or download the entire Schedule B book for multiple years or you may use the online Schedule B Search Engine to determine the appropriate Schedule B Number classifying your export item.
Similarly, businesses may use the online search tool to determine the US Harmonized Tariff Code. This tool is maintained by the US International Trade Commission. Your business may also download all or sections of the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Your business may check the Notice to Exporters explaining which US Harmonized Tariff Codes are not acceptable in place of Schedule B Numbers.
Daniel H. Erskine, an international attorney, practices in New York and Connecticut focusing on international law, civil litigation, appeals, and business transactions. www.erskine-law.comAttorney Advertising; USE OR VIEWING OF THIS BLOG OR ANY OF THE WEB PAGES LINKED TO IT DOES NOT ESTABLISH OR OTHERWISE CONSTITUTE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP.
Daniel H. Erskine, an international attorney, practices in New York and Connecticut focusing on international law, civil litigation, appeals, and business transactions. www.erskine-law.comAttorney Advertising; USE OR VIEWING OF THIS BLOG OR ANY OF THE WEB PAGES LINKED TO IT DOES NOT ESTABLISH OR OTHERWISE CONSTITUTE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP.