
Data Security Best Practices for Law Firms with Daniel H Erskine Non-Eventcast Podcast

Links to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Podcasts. Jared Correia talked with Attorney Erskine about data security and what law firms need to know with respect to managing sensitive information in the law firm. Daniel H. Erskine, an attorney and solicitor who holds a Master of Laws (or LL.M.) in International & Comparative Law, handles business transactions, software contracts, practices in New York and Connecticut. Attorney Advertising; USE OR VIEWING OF THIS BLOG OR ANY OF THE WEB PAGES LINKED TO IT DOES NOT ESTABLISH OR OTHERWISE CONSTITUTE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP.

Looking for US Schedule B Number or US Harmonized Tariff Code?

When exporting items US businesses use a Schedule B Number. Your business may search the US Census Department's site for a Schedule B Number to determine the appropriate Schedule B Number classifying your export item. View the video explaining commodity classification . Another site has a browse feature to view or download the entire Schedule B book for multiple years. US businesses may use the online search tool to determine applicable the US Harmonized Tariff Code for import purposes . This tool is maintained by the US International Trade Commission. View the online course entitled " A Guide to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the United States " to learn more about the US Harmonized Tariff Code. Daniel H. Erskine, an attorney and solicitor who holds a Master of Laws (or LL.M.) in International & Comparative Law, handles business transactions, software contracts, practices in New York and Connecticut. Attorney Advertising; USE OR VIEWI...

Interested in Joining the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks?

As a U.S. business who targets EU or Swiss nationals with your products or services, you might consider joining the EU-U.S. and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Frameworks. The Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program website provides an overview that contains key information about the DFP . Both Frameworks require a self certification . The U.S. government provides " Key Requirements for DPF Program Participating Organizations " to join the DFP dealing with eligibility together with constructing a compliant privacy policy. The site also has numerous FAQs about the DFP requirements as well as information on how the DFP are enforced . You may also view the texts and underlying documents of the DFP through the site. Review the benefits of joining the DFP as described by the U.S. Government. Finally, take a look at the searchable database of companies presently self-certifying under the DFP. The U.S. Department of Commerce through the U.S. International Trade Administration operates the ab...

Dealing With UK Data Protection Act and The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)

Data protection in the UK consists of the UK GDPR (retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679)) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) together with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) (PECR). Review the UK government's tutorial on the DPA 2018 and learn about its requirements . The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) maintains a web guide to prepare for compliance with the UK GPDR.  The guide provides links to relevant UK GDPR provisions as well as discussion/analysis on applicable UK GDPR definitions, principles, processing structures, security, accountability, data breaches, exemptions, applications, and international transfers.  The guide is updated by the ICO so frequently check the site.  Part of the guide links to a guide for SMEs and companies generally to begin conforming processes and procedures to UK GDPR requirements . Daniel H. Erskine, an attorney and solicit...

Technological Innovation Government Programs

For small businesses looking to conduct research and development, while needing funds to realize their small business technology, check out The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program . The SBIR "is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization." The "SBIR funds the critical startup and development stages and it encourages the commercialization of the technology, product, or service, which, in turn, stimulates the U.S. economy." The program started in 1982 (President Regan) and encompasses several US federal agencies. Another US federal government program focusing on small business technology companies is The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) . The STTR "expands funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development (R&D) arena." Like the SBIR, the STTR is a three phase program...

Barriers to Digital Trade

The Congressional Research Service drafted a report entitled Digital Trade and U.S. Trade Policy . The Report complies information from across various sectors to describe barriers faced by U.S. companies in exploiting and pursuing digital trade opportunities abroad. Another report, Digital Trade and Data Policy: Key Issues Facing Congress , details current issues and regulations in a concise manner. These reports follows on a US Trade Representative Fact Sheet on Key Barriers to Digital Trade among several US governmental initiatives to identity and, possibly, remediate trade barriers to digital commerce. The U.S. Department of Commerce has a fact sheet discussing digital trade barriers . Companies facing trade barriers may report or complain about them to the The Office of Trade Agreements Negotiation and Compliance (TANC) for investigation. Review the advoacy section ofTANC's website to see resources on how TANC advocates for small business abroad . Your U.S. company might al...

Cybersecurity Tools and AI

If your business operates online, then your business/company should seriously address cybersecurity issues. The Small Business Administration (SBA) dedicates a page entitled "Strengthen your cybersecurity" . The page features links to fact sheets, webinars, online courses, and other federal agency resources. One such resource derives from the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) that provides and generates, through an interactive web site, a Small Biz Cyber Planner that a company may use to "create and save a custom cyber security plan for your company, choosing from a menu of expert advice to address your specific business needs and concerns." There is also a link to the Department of Homeland Security's Cyber Resilience Review (CRR) , "...a no-cost, voluntary, non-technical assessment to evaluate an organization’s operational resilience and cybersecurity practices." The CRR page contains a number of downloadable forms and resource guides. Also, ...

UK Imports and Exports and Tariffs

Is your UK small and medium sized business (SME) involved in import or export? If so, check out the UK government's guide " Import goods into the UK: step by step " together with the " Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates ".The guidance document provides basic information about classification codes, links to additional information (and resources), as well as an email address for classification enquiries ; reference is also made to how to value your item . The UK government also provides a guide on how to export goods from the UK " Export goods from the UK: step by step ". You may also search the UK Integrated Online Tariff online. There is also a UK government guide on " Finding commodity codes for imports into or exports out of the UK ". Daniel H. Erskine, an attorney and solicitor who holds a Master of Laws (or LL.M.) in International & Comparative Law, handles business transactions, software contracts, practices...

Looking to Enter New Top Export Markets

If your a small business or a medium sized business looking to access new export markets look to the International Trade Administration's Top Markets Series . The Top Market Series analyzes future export opportunities across various commercial sectors. The Series page links to a number of reports complied by the US government to assist exporters in reaching new international markets. After consulting the reports your small business or medium sized company may check out the International Trade Administration's Data & Analysis page where numerous links take you to hard data on export activities emanating out of the United States.

A Methodological Approach to Negotiating International Business Contracts

The United States government has declared increased exports are the path for financial recovery. In particular, the Small Business Administration declared exports are the principal method to buttress American small business. So, how do small businesses effectively negotiate in the international market? Equipping oneself with a negotiation strategy permits a business to maximize benefits and foster relationships—if you use the appropriate method of negotiation. What is the negotiation method a small business should arm itself with to reach an agreement with a foreign company? This article sets out a negotiation strategy, which small businesses may use to effectively enter into the export business and conclude an international agreement. 1. Prepare Preparation is the key element in any negotiation. Familiarize yourself with the other company you desire to do business with and the market place they operate in. Look to the publicly available information about the company. Most fo...

Sanctions List to Check Before Doing Business

Before doing business with a prospective new business partner or customer your U.S. small business should conduct due diligence on your new prospect. Search the " Consolidated Screening List " that is "a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items." The List website also contains contact information for the various U.S. governmental entities that operate and enforce the U.S. sanctions framework. Review the ITA's " U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) " webpage and U.S. Department of Justice's webpage to learn about the FCPA and its requirements. Review the ITA's " U.S. Export Controls " webpage for information about export licenses, red flags to watch out for, and know your customer compliance. Daniel H. Erskine, an attorney and solicitor who holds a Master of Laws (or LL.M.) in International & Comparative Law, handles business transact...