SizeUp your Business & NY Business Financing

Looking for market data on how your small business compares; check out the Small Business Administration's online tool Sizeup. The tool helps by "benchmarking [your small business] against competitors, mapping your customers, competitors and suppliers, and locating the best places to advertise." You will need to create a sign in to access some of the options. Your New York small business may also retrieve labor market data from the New York Department of Labor's statistics site. There you will find wage data by occupation, employment projections, and regional data (among other items). In addition, your New York small business might want to look at business financing options at New York Business First's website. The site details programs available for New York small and larger businesses offered throughout New York State. Also, reference to Empire State's various business programs may prove useful for your New York small business or your SME located abroad. Their International Division has offices overseas (there is one in the UK in London).

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