UK Tariff Tool Classify Imports and Exports

Is your UK small and medium sized business (SME) involved in import or export? If so, check out the UK Trade Tariff tool and accompanying guidance document "Classify imports and exports using the UK Trade Tariff" outlining the use of the tool for your SME's import or export activities. The guidance document provides basic information about classification codes, links to additional information (and resources), as well as an email address for classification enquiries; reference is also made to the process of obtaining Binding Tariff Information rulings.
The free on-line UK Trade Tariff is available for your use to look up classification codes. This offers easy access to tariff information by providing commodity code and duty rate listings together with a search engine to facilitate enquiries and allow self-service to commodity code information.-UK Government Guidance Document.
A number of industry/goods specific guides are published by the UK government detailing classification issues. The UK government also published more generalized information on beginning to import or starting to export.

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