Dealing With The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) maintains a web guide to prepare for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect throughout the UK in 2018.  The guide provides links to relevant GDPR provisions as well as discussion/analysis on applicable GDPR definitions, principles, processing structures, security, accountability, data breaches, exemptions, applications, and international transfers.  The guide also links to applicable EU Article 29 Working Party guidance.  The guide is updated by the ICO on at least a monthly basis.  Part of the guide links to a 12 step preparation outline for SMEs and companies generally to begin conforming processes and procedures to GDPR requirements. Further discussion of GDPR occurs sporadically on the ICO's blog.  The ICO complied two partially interactive self assessment check lists (one for data controllers and the other for data processors) that contain useful information accessed through the "More Information" tick boxes below each question. Another UK government site describes the new Data Protection Bill 2017 with the UK Parliament's site outlining the progress of the bill through both Houses and Royal Assent.

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