Your Small Business Can Now Use US Ambasadors

A recent program rolled out by the United States Department of State permits US small business owners to directly connect with American Ambassadors to discuss available in-country business opportunities. The program is called Direct Line and features US consular officers as well as local government officials available for conference calls and webcasts at predetermined dates and times. To learn more about the Direct Line program visit the data sheet webpage. You may also want to check out the US State Department's Business Information Database System (BIDS), which is a newly developed website for small business international commercial opportunities. Interested in a particular country to find small business opportunities, then go to any US Embassy or Consulate webpage and click on the business tab (e.g. US Embassy London, England). The business webpages contain useful links to items such as exporting to the country (e.g. Exporting to the UK) as well as contact information and trade show data. Also, your small business might want to peruse the Investment Climate Statements issued by the US Department of State for concise analysis of economic and political in-country factors (e.g. United Kingdom Investment Climate Statement).

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